When I first heard about Guerilla Art I was a little confused with the concept. I had to begin thinking about what I was going to create and where to leave my Guerilla Art. At Tim Horton's the contest Roll Up the Rim is happening which is always a huge excitement for many people. This inspired me to create a blog about Roll Up the Rim. There are many temptations that can be challenging when they appear in our life. Personally, I find temptation the hardest when people are not around you watching.
During the contest I have found myself seeing a Roll Up the Rim cup lying on the ground and have been tempted to see if it’s a winner. I think to myself "what if that was a car and someone forgot to roll the rim. These temptations can happen anywhere and at anytime on a regular basis. I thought it would be interesting to place a Tim Horton's Roll Up the Rim cup in my neighbourhood and see if anyone was tempted by this cup sitting on a bleacher all by itself. I put Play-Doh in the bottom of the cup so it felt as though there was still some coffee left in the cup, which would increase the chance that the person had forgot to roll up the rim. Then I found 3 balloon holders in my house that would stick in the Play-Doh. I put 3 post-it notes on the balloon holders, they said Got Ya, Ha Ha Ha and Just couldn't resist eh!
There is a tree that is behind the bleacher so I decided to sit over on the hill behind the tree to see if anyone walked by. A man with his dog shortly came walking by. He looked at the cup and walked closer, he looked to see if anyone was watching him and then picked the cup up. He looked shocked when he opened the cup, I don’t think he was expecting that at all. He laughed and walked away with his dog. I decided that I would then put the cup sitting on the side of the garbage so that it would tempt more people that came to the park that day. I wish I could have stayed all day to see peoples reactions and how many people actually stopped to look.
Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,
CA: Delmar.
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