The word of the week is composition!
On Tuesday, January 25th when we attended the Art Gallery of Ontario the art that I chose to interpret was an oil painting. The piece was called Interesting Story by Laura Muntz Lyall.
On Tuesday, January 25th when we attended the Art Gallery of Ontario the art that I chose to interpret was an oil painting. The piece was called Interesting Story by Laura Muntz Lyall.
What is going on in the art work?
Immediately, I really liked this artwork. The artwork made me feel comfortable, warm and safe. This picture reminded me of when my sister and I were young. My sister has always loved to read and I always enjoy listening to stories. In this picture the older girl is reading and the younger girl is looking and listening to the story intently. This reminded me of how my older sister would read me stories and I would listen and love spending time with her. The girls in the artwork look comfortable, warm and they were thoroughly enjoying the book and the time spent together.
What do you see that makes you say that?
This painting was made with oil on canvas. I have always found paintings to be fascinating. The main reason that I have been interested in paintings is because my Nanny is a very talented artist. I love looking at her paintings that are in her house and my house. Paintings have always interested me and I find them beautiful. She does watercolour and oil paintings. I do know a little about oil painting because I like comparing the differences between her watercolour pictures and oil pictures. I find that when I look at oil paintings, they are beautiful; I love the detail. I find the original oil pictures have more texture and have a rougher look to them. Paintings are very fascinating because everyone could have a different interpretation about the picture. People may see different symbols and different meanings toward the artwork that is personal to them. I believe that the attraction to the observer is often the different colours and textures that can be used in oil paintings.
The picture, Interesting Story really made my senses open up. When looking at the picture I could really see the different colours that were used. Once you look closely at the picture you can see that there are many lines of one colour. I find the effect of lines and clumps of one colour actually causes the picture to look less realistic. When I first saw the picture I thought it looked realistic but once I examined it more I feel it looks less realistic. The detail of the picture is well done; the girls faces, the detail on the pillows and the buildings outside the window. This detail made my senses react more. If I was able to touch the oil painting it would feel rough, thick and hard. If there was a smell to the artwork I would smell the inside of the house. I think the picture would smell like burning firewood and freshly baked cookies. To me the home has a country style which makes me think of a fireplace and a mother making cookies for her children before bedtime. I also imagine that the house where the two girls are reading is quiet. The picture has a darker tinge which allows me to feel that it is evening. This artwork demonstrated the use of composition because "line, shape, color, texture, and form blend together as a unified whole" (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 142). The focal point of the picture is the two girls reading a book together. Attention is drawn toward the focal point, which allows the admirer of the painting to remember this piece and want to view the piece again because of its peaceful and inspiring message that is displayed (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 142). Design and composition was successfully displayed in this artwork since it has "a sense of overall order, coherence, equilibrium, and organization" because of the use of colour, detail and the ability for people to relate to the scene in the artwork (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 142).
When thinking of how the artist thought to draw two girls on a couch reading a book together I believe she had a connection from her personal experience. I feel that maybe she had two girls and she was drawing them or it could be her and her sister together when they were younger. I think this picture had meaning to the artist and that is how she came up with the idea for the painting. The artist wanted the girls to look focused on the book they were reading. She had them close together on the couch which reflected her childhood or feelings of comfort that she experienced at some point of her life. This artwork is crafted by hand and is very detailed. This very time consuming piece of work must have taken hours and months to create this beautiful painting.
What more can we find?
The painting, Interesting Story was created by Laura Muntz Lyall, she was born in Radford, England in 1860. She died in Toronto, Ontario in 1930. Interesting Story is an oil on canvas painting created in 1898. At this time, in 1898 women were responsible for the home and taking care of their children. The children did not have many toys so reading a book was a special time. Siblings would share time together reading. The older daughter probably was responsible for caring for the younger child while their mother finished her chores and household tasks in the early evening. Even in current time society is encouraging families and children to spend time reading together. Although today electronics have replaced books, it is still felt that reading is an important part of leisure time and family life.
When looking at all the artwork that was at the AGO, in the same room as the painting, Interesting Story. I feel the major theme of all the artwork was children, home and nature. All the art that was in this room was oil on canvas and was created by Canadian artists. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the different artwork because my favourite artwork is nature, children, family and home scenes.
My initial reaction to this painting has not changed. When I first saw the painting I really like the painting. Even after taking a closer look at the details and reading into the meaning of the picture I still feel the same about the painting.
When I discussed the artwork with my other classmates, they had similar feelings when looking at the painting. They agreed with my interpretation that it was probably a picture of two sisters together reading a book. They also felt comfort and warmth when looking at the picture. Many of my friends chose other art from the same room. This shows that we were all getting similar feelings from the collection of artwork. This artwork has a personal meaning to me because I loved having my sister read stories to me. Since my sister and I are older now and are both attending university this causes me to remember many memories of our childhood together.
Teaching Component
I think that professional artwork should be used as a tool for teaching children. Whether teachers bring artwork into the classroom or go on a field trip to the AGO, interpreting a piece of artwork can be fascinating. Children can learn, be creative and explore new surroundings that they have never had the chance to discover. Artwork can be observed in different ways by each individual. Children can be inspired when seeing professional art and recognize how art can be displayed in a variety of different areas. Art also helps the child develop and will benefit them in the future with knowledge on history, techniques and famous pieces of artwork.
Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,
CA: Delmar.